The 'MarkC Windows 10 + 8.1 + 8 + 7 Mouse Acceleration Fix' is available for download from this link:
DO NOT USE THIS: @ google drive (version 2.9).
Use this: @ (version 2.9)
(... then click the OneDrive Download button when it appears. Note this is NOT a direct download link.)
For help for the fix, visit the ESReality MarkC Windows 7 Mouse Acceleration Fix page:
What is it?
It is a registry file that removes Windows 7 or 8 or 8.1 or 10 mouse pointer acceleration.
It is like the CPL Mouse Fix and Cheese Mouse Fix, but gives exactly 1-to-1 mouse to pointer response for Windows 7 or Windows 8.x or Windows 10.
Exactly 1-to-1 means no discarded or delayed mouse input while game playing.
How do you use it?
- Find the display DPI that you currently use:
Click Start, click Control Panel, select Appearance and Personalization, select Display.
See if you have 100% or 125% or 150% selected.
(On Windows 8.1 or 10, if you see a 'Smaller...Larger' slider, then:
- the 1st slider position will be 100%,
- the 2nd slider position will be 125%,
- the 3rd slider position (might not be shown) will be 150%.)
- Open the ZIP file at the link above.
- Select the folder that matches the Windows version you use and Double-click it.
- Select the REG file that matches the DPI% you use and Double-click it.
- Answer Yes, OK to the prompts that appear.
(See below for non-Administrator account use.)
- Reboot or Log off to apply the fix (you have to reboot or Log off).
- Enjoy exactly 1-to-1 mouse to pointer response!
(If you applied one of the Windows 2000 or Windows 98/95 Acceleration fixes, then 'Enhance pointer precision' must be checked ON to enable it.)
Why do you need the fix?
If you don't know you need it, then you don't need it!
Some older games, such as Half-Life 1, Counter-Strike 1.x, Quake, Quake 2, Unreal and others, while they are active and running, call a Windows function intending to disable variable mouse acceleration by forcing ALL movement to be accelerated by the same amount (doubled).
On Windows 2000 and earlier, that removed all variable acceleration.
Pointing and aiming in those games was OK, because the mouse response was then linear (all movement was accelerated by the same amount; it was doubled).
In XP, and later Windows versions, Microsoft changed how mouse pointer acceleration worked.
Now when those games call the function (asking that all movement be accelerated), Windows enables the mouse 'Enhance pointer precision' feature, which adds mouse acceleration using a varying curve to control the mouse response. (It enables it even if you have it turned off in the Control Panel Mouse settings.)
With 'Enhance pointer precision' enabled, slower mouse movements make the pointer go extra slow and faster mouse movements make the pointer go extra fast. It is not linear and not straightline.
This is annoying, because where you are aiming at depends on how far you move your mouse, and also on how fast you moved the mouse to aim.
How does the fix work?
It redefines the curve used by the 'Enhance pointer precision' feature to be a completely straight line. The slope of the line is tuned so that every on-mouse-pad mouse movement is turned into exactly the same amount of on-screen pointer movement.
How do you know the fix is working?
You can test if it is working by temporarily turning on the 'Enhance pointer precision' feature and see how the mouse responds.
(NOTE: Unless you applied one of the Windows 2000 or Windows 98/95 Acceleration fixes, only turn 'Enhance pointer precision' on for testing: it should normally be set OFF.)
If you have 'Enhance pointer precision' OFF, then the fix will not be active (but it will be waiting to be activated when needed).
Just as some games turn it on when you don't want them to, we can turn it on manually to test that the fix is working properly.
- Go to Control Panel, and select Hardware and Sound, then click Mouse. Select 'Pointer options' and check-ON/enable the 'Enhance pointer precision' option.
- See how the mouse responds.
- If you want, you can set the Control Panel 'pointer speed' slider set to the 6th, middle position and run the MouseMovementRecorder.exe program that is included in the ZIP file to see that the mouse and pointer movements are 1-to-1 and always the same.
(The numbers in the MOUSE MOVEMENT column should be the same as the numbers in the POINTER MOVEMENT column. Any differences will appear in green or red.
If you do see differences, also test with 'Enhance pointer precision' OFF, in case the problem is with Windows or MouseMovementRecorder.exe rather than a problem with the fix:
- Press the A key on the keyboard while MouseMovementRecorder is running until EnPtPr Accel is Off. Press A TWICE if EnPtPr is already Off!
- When EnPtPr Accel is OFF, if there is a lot of red and green, press the '+' key on the keyboard and move the mouse.
- Repeat '+' and move the mouse until most of the red and green disappears.
- Press the A key on the keyboard to toggle EnPtPr Accel and move the mouse.
- If the amount of red and green is roughly the same when EnPtPr Accel is ON as when EnPtPr Accel is Off, then the fix is working.)
(NOTE: If you use Windows 10, & scaling of items is not 100%, see below.)
(NOTE: If you use Windows 8.1 and have too much green and red, see below.)
(NOTE: While running a game, you may see many red and green lines.
Games that need a fix usually frequently re-position the pointer and this confuses MouseMovementRecorder.exe but DOES NOT mean acceleration.
See - scroll to 'Comment #271'.)
- Turn the 'Enhance pointer precision' option OFF when you have finished testing.
(Unless you applied one of the Windows 2000 or Windows 98/95 Acceleration fixes, then leave 'Enhance pointer precision' checked ON to enable it.)
Does my game need a mouse fix?
You can test your game to see if it turns 'Enhance pointer precision' ON, and needs a mouse fix.
- Turn the 'Enhance pointer precision' option OFF,
- Run Mouse Movement Recorder (included in the ZIP file),
- Run your game (aim at something!) and look at the 'EnPtPr' column footer at the bottom of the Mouse Movement Recorder window.
If it is displayed with a red background then the game has turned acceleration ON and needs a mouse fix.
Is this fix different from the Cheese Mouse Fix?
The 'Enhance pointer precision' option works slightly differently in Windows 7 than it does in XP and Vista, and slightly differently again in Windows 8.x and 10.
The Cheese Mouse Fix gives exactly 1-to-1 mouse response for Windows XP and Windows Vista.
The MarkC Mouse Fixes give exactly 1-to-1 mouse response for Windows 7 & 8.x & 10.
(Note: Both fixes need the Control Panel 'pointer speed' slider set to the 6th, middle position to give exact 1-to-1.)
But I don't use the middle 6/11 pointer speed setting?
If you want exact 1-to-1 in-game response when the pointer speed slider is not in the 6/11 position, or you have a custom display DPI, see the MarkC Mouse Fix Builder, which works for Windows 10, 8.x, 7, Vista and XP.
For those older games that turn acceleration on, it gives the same response as position 6/11 does (1-to-1), without having to move the pointer speed slider to 6/11.
The MarkC Windows 10 + 8.1 + 8 + 7 + Vista + XP Mouse Acceleration Fix Builder
The MarkC Mouse Fix Builder can also create a fix that emulates Windows 2000 or Windows 98 or Windows 95 acceleration.
How do you remove it?
- Open the ZIP file at the link above.
- If you use Windows 7 or Vista or XP:
Select 'Windows_7+Vista+XP_Default.reg' and Double-click it. - If you use Windows 8 or Windows 8.1 or Windows 10:
Select 'Windows_10+8.x_Default.reg' and Double-click it. - Answer Yes, OK to the prompts that appear.
- Reboot or Log off.
I use Windows 10 and scaling of text, apps and other items is not 100%
In later versions of Windows 10, Microsoft changed how the mouse pointer is moved in response to mouse input, when scaling of text, apps and other items is not 100%, and Enhance pointer precision is OFF.
Mouse pointer movements when Enhance pointer precision is OFF, are now scaled according to the per-monitor scaling of items setting.
When Enhance pointer precision is OFF, and the Control Panel pointer speed slider is set to 6/11, MouseMovementRecorder will not show all-black, exact 1-to-1, but instead Pointer Movement will be multiplied by the same scaling factor applied to text, apps and other items.
Games may also see this difference, or not, depending on their "DPI Awareness".
I use Windows 8.1 and see too much green and red in MouseMovementRecorder
Windows 8.1 introduced changes to mouse input processing to reduce power used and improve battery life:
Windows 8.1 delays and coalesces (merges) mouse input for programs, causing the effective mouse polling rate to be as low as 62 Hz in some cases (even for gaming mice with a higher polling rate).
This new processing can affect some games (games that don't use Raw Input and don't use DirectInput). Microsoft have a December 2013 Windows Update Rollup that includes a fix for those games, which will be automatically installed when you have Windows Update set to install updates automatically.
(See here: KB2908279 Mouse pointer stutters or freezes when you play certain games in Windows 8.1.)
The new processing can also affect MouseMovementRecorder and cause it to show red and green (with the mouse delays, MouseMovementRecorder sees a mouse movement from DirectInput, but doesn't see the pointer move until MUCH MUCH later and can't figure out what's going on and displays red and green).
If the KB2908279 update fix is installed, MouseMovementRecorder will activate it
to give more responsive mouse pointer movement and stop the red and green.
Otherwise, while running MouseMovementRecorder, select it and press the '+' key
on the keyboard a until the red and green stops.
If Control Panel, Appearance and Personalization, Display shows a 'Smaller...Larger' slider, high DPI monitors might need a custom size and/or a fix-builder fix to get exact 1-to-1.
See this blog article:
Windows 8.1 DPI Scaling Enhancements @ Extreme Windows Blog
The new multi-monitor DPI scaling in Windows 8.1 is a good thing if you have multiple monitors with different pixels-per-inch values, BUT it might make it harder to find the correct Item Size percentage when choosing which MarkC fix to use to get exact 1-to-1.
Try clicking the 'Let me choose one scaling level for all my displays' checkbox and then find the percentage needed so that your main (gaming) monitor looks the same as it did when using the 'Smaller...Larger' slider (this may require some reboots).
When you have the right percentage value, click ' scaling level...' OFF (so that you get the benefit of the new Multi-monitor DPI scaling - if you need it) and use the percentage value to choose which fix you need, or to create a Fix-Builder fix.
Loading the fix with a non-Administrator account
When adding the mouse acceleration fix to the registry, you may get this error message:
"Cannot import (filename).reg: Not all data was successfully written to the registry."
This error happens because part of the fix turns off acceleration for the Welcome screen (the log on screen).
If you use the Welcome screen (or the Windows Log in dialog) and acceleration is NOT turned off for the Welcome screen, then the MarkC fixes have a 1 pixel / 1 mouse count error when the mouse changes direction left/right or up/down.
You can remove this 1 mouse count error by any of these methods:
- Run Disable_WelcomeScreen+Login_Accel.CMD as Administrator (Right-click > Run as administrator).
- Add/Merge Disable_WelcomeScreen+Login_Accel.reg to the registry while logged in as an administrator.
- Run RegEdit.exe and edit 'HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Mouse\MouseSpeed' to 0 (zero), while logged in as an administrator.
- Not moving or touching the mouse while using the Welcome screen (use arrow keys to select the user and Enter key to log in).
- Ignoring the 1 mouse count error! It's only a single count: You won't notice it.
1 – 200 of 780 Newer› Newest»Working good!
Thanks alot!
how do i make it back to normal? I chose the 100% and now my mouse sensitivity is all missed up. help!
"How do i make it back to normal?"
In the ZIP file is 'WindowsDefault.reg'.
Double-click it, and then reboot or log off.
"Green bars on every line, every time."
- Mouse drivers (for Microsoft or Logitech or other mice) sometimes have their own separate acceleration, which this fix does not disable.
- Have you used the correct .REG file for your display DPI? If your actual display DPI is 125% but you use the 100% .REG file, you will always get green bars.
- Exact 1-to-1 only works when the mouse pointer speed slider is in the middle, 6/11 position. If you use slider positions to the left of middle, you will always get green bars.
For detailed support questions, please visit the ESReality MarkC Windows 7 Mouse Acceleration Fix page:
Hello Mark, I thinks my sense is way too high with 6/11 and i still want the mousefix, is it possible that i could use 5/11 in windows and the mousefix at the same time? every time i set 5/11 in windows its work till i restart the computer.
Im happy if you could awnser.
Mark thanks so much for this fix, I'm a big gamer and I noticed a major difference in my accuracy :D
> Is it possible that i could use 5/11 in windows and the mousefix at the same time?
Yes, you can use 5/11 and the fix will remove all acceleration. However, you won't get exactly 1-to-1 in-game at 5/11 with the standard MarkC fix file. If you don't have exact 1-to-1 you will have a small amount of discarded or delayed mouse input while game playing.
I have a new fix builder that can help you!
With it you can build a custom fix that will let you use 5/11 on the desktop, but will give you 1-to-1 for older games that turn acceleration on, the same response as position 6/11 does, without having to move the pointer speed slider to 6/11.
You may have to adjust your game sens to compensate.
The MarkC Windows 7 + Vista + XP Mouse Acceleration Fix Builder
What are the differences between this fix and having a straight linear line in the hex values?
x: 0, 0, 0, 0, (some large number)
y: 0, 0, 0, 0, (some large number)
in xp? in vista/7?
I'm guessing it's just that I won't have mouse tic/desktop pixel 1 to 1 movement, but if the linear line will not provide linear movement I'd like to know.
> What are the differences between this fix and having a straight linear line in the hex values?
A fix with a single linear line (like your example) will still remove all acceleration and response will be linear.
Acceleration will be removed, BUT you won't get mouse-tic:desktop-pixel exactly 1-to-1 unless you choose the X and Y values carefully.
For Windows 7, to get exact 1-to-1, you not only need carefully chosen values, but because of a Windows 7 change (Windows 7 does not discard remainder values when calculating pointer movement) you also need a straight-linear line made up of 4 segments with the same slope (as the MarkC fixes do), otherwise a 1 pixel error happens when the mouse direction is reversed up/down or left/right. (You also need to turn off 'Enhance pointer precision' on the Welcome/login screen, or not use the Welcome/login screen.)
I got this interesting idea...what do you think the chances are of implementing software that can create a (negative?) acceleration curve in windows that will negate the effects of poorly implemented mouse control in games that have no way to make the movement linear?
If windows smooths out the registry curve that is only 5 points, then I guess you could just use that and turn on Enhance Pointer Precision. But if it only creates 4 linear sections from which to calculate the speed of the mouse out of the 5 selected registry values, then yeah, not good enough (and something tells me it does take the linear option.)
So if a more complicated software solution is the only option, well do you think this is even possible? I unfortunately I am a terrible noob programmer so I'd have no idea where to start. It would also probably take tedious testing at different speeds for each game with equipment beyond a mouse and surface...but I find the possibility of an invincible acceleration fix for all games quite appealing.
> what do you think the chances are of implementing software that can create a (negative?) acceleration curve in windows that will negate the effects of poorly implemented mouse control in games that have no way to make the movement linear?
Not very likely I would think.
For the Windows acceleration curve to affect a game, the game:
- Must not use Raw Input to read the mouse,
- Must not use Direct Input to read the mouse,
- Must use WM_MOUSEMOVE to read the mouse (only older games do this),
- Must not disable Windows acceleration while the game is running.
Even then, with only 4 linear sections to work with (you are right: only 4 linear sections), and the problems in finding out how the bad game was mangling the mouse input, there would be little chance of fixing it.
I have used the builder, and used the recorder to check, I dont have any green or red lines when EPP is enabled, but have green lines 80% of the time when EPP is disabled, the same goes for in game aswell. So should I leave EPP enabled?
I presume that you have the control panel mouse pointer speed slider set to 5/11 or 4/11 (left of the 6/11 middle position)?
If you get ~80% green in-game, and the EnPtPr column never goes from black to red, then your game does not force EPP on and does not need a fix and does not even use the fix builder created fix.
(Note this from the fix builder page: ALL registry based mouse fixes, INCLUDING the fix builder fixes, ONLY work when the
Control Panel > Mouse > 'Enhance pointer precision' option is ON, OR when an older game forces 'Enhance pointer precision' to ON.
Most newer games do not force 'Enhance pointer precision' to ON and this mouse fix will have no effect for those games.)
thanks alot for the fix but i dont get it, i need to enalbe "enhance pointer precision" in order that the fix will work?
> i need to enable "enhance pointer precision" in order that the fix will work?
No, leave 'Enhance pointer precision' OFF unless you are testing the fix.
With 'Enhance pointer precision' OFF, there is no acceleration anyway.
BUT IF a game turns 'Enhance pointer precision' ON when you don't want it to, THEN the fix will be activated and you also won't get acceleration because the fix removes acceleration.
the problem with 5/11 or 4/11 is that windows will dismiss some of the movements you do in order to create the feeling of lower sensitivity
thus making your movements less accurate
with the slider at 6/11 on desktop and the fix on MouseMovementRecorder shows no green red lines
but with the fix on at 4/11 using the builder it has no effect and green lines pop all the time thus for games that don't accelerate the mouse accuracy is lost not from the acceleration but from the stupid windows scalars ?
______Amendment for Section 1.2
> the problem with 5/11 or 4/11 is that ...
Yes, Windows does delay some of the mouse movement and that does make movements less accurate. (The delayed amount is held internally in a fractional remainder variable, and added into the next mouse input, rather than being completely dismissed.)
> but with the fix on at 4/11 using the builder ...
You are correct: unfortunately a fix built using the builder only gives exact 1-to-1 for games that do enable acceleration. If a well behaved game does NOT enable acceleration, then the builder won't help, sorry, and you will have to set 6/11 before playing that game.
I'm thinking of building a small program to set 6/11 and then wait until the game finishes and you then click Cancel to return to 5/11 or 4/11 or whatever you had before-hand. I have a version now, but I'm not sure how friendly people might want it to be. Ultimately, it would display a slider and allow auto-creation of a desktop-shortcut with the specified settings, BUT that's not what it does at the moment: at the moment you need to create a shortcut yourself and add command line parameters to set the speed.
Totally fixed my problem with Quake 4. Thanks
does this fix work for winxp x64 ?
> does this fix work for winxp x64 ?
Yes and no. Yes it removes acceleration, as far as I know. No it does not give exact 1-to-1 on WinXP.
For exact 1-to-1 with WinXP, you should use the Cheese Mousefix, or the MarkC Fix Builder.
I haven't tested fixes for WinXP x64 (I don't have it), so could you try either of the above and see what MouseMovementRecorder.exe says when you turn 'Enhance pointer precision' on, and let us know?
I got a vbs error when running the script in Chinese Vista x86 SP2. The error message is:
Line: 127
Charator: 3
Error: Inalid use of Null
Error Codes: 800A005E
Source: Microsoft VBScript Runtime Error
Please help!
Thanks for the error report Jermin.
Please try the test @ ... and let me know (@esreality) what is shown.
Hi, i am a cs player and im using 3/11 , 2.2 ingame all noforce commands and pointer precision off. Also i am using the CPL Mousefix not the cheese or MARC. Is there a difference between these different mousefix's? Im using a steelseries Xai with all acceleration disabled :)
> why ... would you want to turn precision off?
When in-game, acceleration is annoying, so people like to turn it off.
But on the desktop, 'Enhance pointer precision' = ON is the best. When off you have to move the mouse too much to move across the screen.
I'd like XP to be fixed like Windows 7 also, BUT mostly I can't feel problems unless looking for them.
> cs ... all noforce commands and pointer precision off
With that setup you don't need a fix, because the cs -noforcemparms and/or -noforcemspd options stop cs from turning enhance pointer precision on.
There is a difference between the fixes. See the screen dumps at the bottom of the copy of this article on the esreality site:
(Scroll down a little to 'Edit: A picture is worth a thousand words...')
This fix does not turn off mouse acceleration, at least not in a 1:1 way.
In Windows Vista and 7 there is an inbuilt mouse acceleration that was fixed by the wcafix, but is impossible to fix with a registry hack. It can not be documented by the mouse movement recorder, because the values it gets are already tampered with by Windows (I know this, I use the raw windows mouse data in my application).
There is an easy check for this. Place the cursor to the leftmost of your screen, and place an obstacle directly left of your mouse. Then quickly move the mouse to the right, and slowly move it back again. If mouse acceleration really is off (as in wcafix off), the mouse will hit the obstacle as the cursor hits the left edge of the screen. If mouse acceleration is still on (as with this fix), the mouse will hit the obstacle, while the cursor is still somewhere in the screen.
(Interestingly logitech mouse drivers manage to switch mouse acceleration off, however not with all of their mice, the RX250 seems to have hardware mouse acceleration)
I'm really desperate, as I really need mouse acceleration to be off, or else my entire application is useless. So if somebody knows some other fix/workaround, I would be very grateful.
> Flash said...
I have seen exactly what you describe : 'It can not be documented by the mouse movement recorder, because the values it gets are already tampered with by...'
What was doing the tampering was the Logitech SetPoint mouse drivers.
If SetPoint is set to 'Speed and Acceleration' > 'SetPoint implementation' option set, then SetPoint pre-accelerates mouse input even before Mouse Movement Recorder (using DirectInput) sees the inputs, and MMR does not see the SetPoint acceleration.
Try setting 'Speed and Acceleration' > 'OS implementation' in SetPoint and then the acceleration you describe should be gone, and you should feel this fix working properly.
Thanks for your answer, however, this is not a Logitech problem. This happens with all mice, even on systems that do not have any Logitech drivers installed. Just try it out.
If I have logitech drivers installed, I can switch off mouse acceleration in SetPoint (except with an RX250).
If I use Vista I can switch mouse acceleration off for all mice, with the wcafix.
If I use Win 7, non-Logitech mice and no Logitech drivers, mouse acceleration can not be switched off with your fix (even if reported as 1:1 by the mouse movement recorder).
The raw windows mouse data is already accelerated, before it is being affected by registry settings. I use the raw data, because I use several mice seperately and this is the only way of doing it.
If it is not SetPoint, then I'm not sure why you still have acceleration.
I have tested my fix many times on Windows 7 (and once more just now) with the test you suggest (fast right then slow left) and it always ends up exactly back at the obstacle when I have the fix in place = no acceleration. Many other people have reported that they feel no acceleration with the fix in place.
Having carefully studied how Windows (XP/Vista/7) processes mouse input, I know that a correctly constructed registry fix (when used only at the Pointer speed slider setting it was designed for) has EXACTLY the same result as wcafix (see here: wcafix versus a registry fix).
If you undo my fix (apply WindowsDefault.reg) and turn EPP ON, I suppose then you must get DOUBLE acceleration, the pre-accelerated mouse data PLUS Windows control panel acceleration?
Thanks man, it helps me a lot.
I'm confused. The readme states that the fix "ONLY works when the
Control Panel > Mouse > 'Enhance pointer precision' option is ON, OR when an
older game forces 'Enhance pointer precision' to ON.
Most newer games do not force 'Enhance pointer precision' to ON and this mouse
fix will have no effect for those games."
So is the 'Enhance pointer precision' supposed to be on or off? Or doesn't it matter?
Only turn 'Enhance pointer precision' on for testing: it should normally be set OFF.
please help me it doesn't do anything when I restart. I still have the awkward mouse movement. No precision at all it says its off in mouse movement recorder but it isn't off :[ not all of the numbers are -1-1- and i wanna use 11/11 on the windows settings for the mouse and I have a death adder if you could help me I would be very grateful.I used 100% dpi for the display still nothing. Maybe I am doing something wrong. The game i play doesn't turn the enhanced pointer precision on when i open it. So I know that isn't the problem. thanks
> ... please help me it doesn't do anything when I restart. I still have the awkward mouse movement.
Hi erAd,
My fix only has an effect when Enhanced pointer precision (EPP) is turned on; if you don't have EPP turned on and your game doesn't turn it on then my fix won't be active and won't be doing anything for you.
Since your game does not turn EPP on, you don't even need a fix; you don't need a fix unless your game turns EPP on.
Setting the pointer speed slider to the right-most 11/11 position will cause awkward mouse movement. It is likely that using 11/11 is all or part of your awkward mouse movement.
See this picture.
On the left is drawing a circle in Paint using 11/11, on the right is drawing a circle using 6/11. Notice how jaggy the 11/11 setting is. I recommend that you use 6/11 and increase your mouse CPI to compensate.
With EPP off, the 11/11 setting is ×3.5 of the 6/11 setting, so if you can, set your Razer CPI to 3.5 times as high as it is now should be what you need.
i wanna turn off mouse acceleration in windows i must have the wrong mouse fix :/
> ...turn off mouse acceleration in windows
If you have Windows 7 and want to turn off Windows control panel acceleration, then this is the right fix.
To test it, set the pointer speed slider to the middle 6/11 position, turn 'Enhance pointer precision' ON (ticked) and run MouseMovementRecorder.exe (included in the ZIP) file. If you mostly see no green and no red, then this fix has removed Windows control panel acceleration.
(If you use XP or Vista, then use the Cheese Fix or the MarkC Mouse Fix Builder instead.)
Hello MarkC, I have Windows 7 Ultimate X64 and Logitech G500 & setpoint drivers. I've installed your fix and using 6/11 mouse sensitivity in windows (setpoint set to win sens/accel), but I'm still getting red and green in mouse movement recorder. DPI/Polling rates have no effect on result (though lowering polling rate make the reds/greens come more often). I've also tried cheesefix, wcafix, cpl mousefix, -noforce commands, and everything else on the web to fix the problem. Here's the screenshots:
The acceleration is very noticable in CS. I'm using 700 DPI / 1000hz / low sensitivity.. If you got any advices I'd be very pleased. Thank you
> but I'm still getting red and green in mouse movement recorder...
While running a game, you may see many red and green lines.
Games that need a fix usually frequently re-position the pointer and this confuses MouseMovementRecorder.exe (MMR) but DOES NOT mean acceleration.
See - scroll to 'Comment #271'.)
MW2 seems to be running ~90fps and every 11 lines resets the pointer position causing red. Same for CS @ ~100fps.
The reset of the (invisible) pointer position confuses MMR, but does NOT mean accel.
If you can see and measure accel in-game, then:
- Try disabling any in-game accel. CS:Source : set m_customaccel 0, CS1.6 : I don't think there is any, MW2 : I'm not sure.
- Make sure SetPoint accel is turned off. It should be if you set 'Speed and Acceleration' > 'OS Implementation', but you can test that like so: Control Panel and set the pointer speed slider to 5/11, run MMR then run CS. If MMR now shows 9 of every 10 lines in green, then SetPoint is actually using Windows sens accel as expected.
BUT if MMR still shows every 9 of 10 in black, then SetPoint is doing its own accel and maybe it's that SetPoint accel you notice in-game and you need to fix the SetPoint config.
Is it positive accel or negative accel you notice?
Like shown here: [HOW TO] Check if mouse acceleration is enabled or disabled in your game, after a fast left movement, does the FOV end up further left of the start point or to the right?
Hello markc, here's short answer to your post. Yes I tried to make it to 5/11 and it showed that I was using the windows sens. And I think that your fix is working, but it's just this crappy laser sensor of g500's what is ruining my gaming experience. I'm getting negative acceleration in cs, and positive acceleration in windows and mw2 (even though mmr shows only black in windows enviroment). It's not really that bad (5% maybe), but as a low sens player and hc gamer with 12 years of fps experience this really makes me mad. I only wish there was a mouse nowadays which wouldnt have this kind of problems. Thank you for your reply.
Works fine here.
Been hardcore gamer since quake2. Thanks a lot!
Kind regards
Jan aka ClazZ
Does this do anything with razer drivers?
> Does this do anything with razer drivers?
It works with Razer drivers, but doesn't do anything special with them: In my experience how Razer drivers handle acceleration is brain-dead.
why is it brain-dead?
Razer drivers for other mice might be different and not-brain-dead (and someone has told me the first problem below does not exist for their Razer Lachesis), but for my Diamondback 3G, the drivers have these problems:
- Even if you set 'Enhance pointer precision' ON in Control Panel, and also set 'Master Accel Control' ON in the Razer Customizer, several seconds after boot, the Razer drivers turn 'Enhance pointer precision' off.
- The Razer Customizer has a slider for acceleration and text in the user manual that makes you think you can tweak the acceleration on a sliding scale, rather than just off/on.
It doesn't. It just tweaks the Windows 2000 accel settings which have no effect on Windows XP/Vista/7.
That does seem silly. Thanks for writing this and taking your time answering. I´m on a razer da 3.5 now and I´m happy.
Thanks for this incredible effort. We're all fans.
-The ENTIRE gaming community
Hi Mark.
I used 1800dpi 3/11, will this still work yeah?
> I used 1800dpi 3/11, will this still work yeah?
Yes and no.
Yes: all registry fixes (CPL, Cheese, MarkC) will remove accleration, even with 3/11.
No: the standard MarkC fix will not give exact 1-to-1 @ 3/11.
Not exact 1-to-1 means some amount of delayed or discarded mouse movement each time the mouse moves. See my posts at these links:
Windows Mouse Sensitivity = 3/11 example
Windows Mouse Sensitivity = 4/11 example
You have some choices:
- Ignore that it is not exact 1-to-1: The difference is usually small and you might not notice it,
- Set 6/11 before you play games so you get exact 1-to-1 (and adjust your in-game sensitivity to compensate),
- Use the The MarkC Windows 7 + Vista + XP Mouse Acceleration Fix Builder to build a 3/11 fix that gives you exact 1-to-1 ONLY WHEN the game forces EPP on (and adjust your in-game sensitivity to compensate).
You will have to make sure that your game forces EPP on for a MarkC Fix Builder fix to give exact 1-to-1, see the instructions in the 'How do you know the fix is giving exact 1-to-1 when playing your game?' paragraph.
If you set 6/11 or use the MarkC Fix Builder, then you may be more likely to get negative acceleration. If you do get negative acceleration, then you will have to either drop your mouse CPI down from 1800, or go back to using 3/11. (It is more important to avoid negative acceleration than it is to avoid the delayed or discarded mouse movement that using 3/11 causes.)
Thanks mark, just switched my dpi to 450 and 6/11 windows. I was just worried because there were some issues when you change the deathadder's dpi before.
Hey Mark,
I've been using the mouse fix but came to a bit of a problem.. it won't do 1-1 ever... I am using 6/11. I tried using my laptop touch pad and it gives it 1-1 but my mouse is a cheap $5 mouse, unsure of the brand but it's USB. Here is a screen shot, how can I make it 1-1.
I feel like this mouse worked better without the mouse fix, yeah it wasn't 1-1.. but it was easier to aim without it.
> ... it won't do 1-1 ...
I should explain what 1:1 means: Each count of mouse movement causes the exact same count of pointer movement.
1 mouse = 1 pointer, 2 mouse = 2 pointer, 3 mouse = 3 pointer and so on.
If you look at your screen shot, notice that the numbers in the POINTER MOVEMENT column are always the same as the numbers in the MOUSE MOVEMENT column: That means you are getting 1:1.
If you were previously gaming without a mouse fix (or using the CPL mouse fix) then it may take a while to get used to the change, because you are used to how it used to be.
I applied the fix. I love it, it's excellent.
Quick question: when using the mouse recorder in windows 7 (64), 'Enhance Pointer Precision' OFF, I see red and green lines in the mouse movement. Is this normal?
note, when 'Enhance Pointer Precision' is ON, I see no red and green lines--indicating it's working, like you mentioned in the Readme file.
Hey Mark,
When I apply the fix and get a 1:1 mouse ratio (tested with mouse recorder), I get a huge frame drop in my games. I tested this on TF2, and I had an average frame loss of 35-45 FPS.
I use a Logitech G500 and I tried lowering the mouse report rate from 1,000 to 500, 250 and 125, but nothing worked.
Any idea?
> ...when using the mouse recorder in windows 7 (64), 'Enhance Pointer Precision' OFF, I see red and green lines in the mouse movement.
If you use 6/11, then there should be no difference between 'Enhance pointer precision' ON or OFF, and neither should show red or green on the desktop.
Both usually show red and green in-game and that is normal when the game is one of the games that needs a fix (see 'NOTE: While running a game, you may see many red and green lines' above).
With 6/11, on the desktop, showing red or green is not normal, but it can sometimes happen depending upon mouse Hz, CPU speed and how busy the PC is: There is a small delay between mouse movement and Windows catching up and moving the pointer. MouseMovementRecorder waits a short while to try and match up the mouse with the pointer, but sometimes can't do so and then a green followed by a red will bne displayed.
Can you upload a screenshot of MMR somewhere and I'll have a look?
> ...I get a huge frame drop in my games.
MouseMovementRecorder can often use several percent, or more of your CPU, so if you had that running while playing your game that would drop your FPS.
If not running MouseMovementRecorder, there should be no FPS or speed difference at all between having the fix applied and not having it applied: The same Windows code gets run, just with different numbers.
Mark Craness,
Huge thanks for the fix. I was curious though, regarding Logitech Setpoint. Do you have any knowledge of how Setpoint's option, 'Use OS native pointer speed and Acceleration' and how it alters mouse input? It allows you to turn accel to 0-4, and also sets up mouse input as 1-10, defaulted to 5.
How does this program inhibit the registries curve? Does it? I've refreshed numerous times and played around with this and it doesn't seem to make a difference anywhere I can see.
I don't have a Logitech mouse myself, but have experimented on a friend's PC that did have one.
They had a non-gaming LogiTech, which uses the SetPointP drivers, which don't have profiles, but do have 'Game Mode' and allow a choice between 'Speed and Acceleration' > 'OS implementation' and 'Speed and Acceleration' > 'SetPoint implementation'.
The G series mice (AFAIK) have different drivers (SetPointG) with a 'Use OS native drivers for pointer speed and acceleration' option, and I'm not sure if that might work differently from the SetPointP 'OS implementation' option.
When 'OS implementation' is set, the SetPoint accel and speed calculations are ignored/disabled and the Windows Control Panel calculations are used instead, as if SetPoint was NOT installed. (Possibly the SetPoint values are COPIED to the control panel settings, but SetPoint does not directly control how the pointer moves.)
When 'SetPoint implementation' is set, SetPoint somehow internally forces the Windows control panel EPP to OFF and the pointer speed slider to 6/11 (EVEN IF they are not actually set like that in the control panel). Because EPP is in-effect set/forced OFF, the registry accel curves are ignored.
I assume if 'Use OS native drivers for pointer speed and acceleration' is ON, SetPoint will behave the same as 'OS implementation', and SetPoint accel and speed calculations will not affect the mouse/pointer, and the accel will only be ON or OFF rather than 0-4 (because Windows XP+ accel is only ON or OFF).
I assume when 'Use OS native drivers for pointer speed and acceleration' is OFF, SetPoint will behave the same as 'SetPoint implementation' and SetPoint somehow forces the control panel EPP OFF and pointer speed to 6/11 and uses its own accel and speed calculations instead, applied before Windows control panel sees the mouse input (MouseMovementRecorder can't see the SetPoint accel at all).
> How does this program inhibit the registries curve?
By somehow internally forcing EPP OFF (even when it shows as ON in the control panel). With EPP internally OFF, the registry curves are ignored.
I didn't have time to investigate how it turns EPP off, but it does.
ok i just need a quick answer:
the MMR shows everything black and the pointer movement is showing everything mostly 1x0 or -1x0 or 0x1
if 1x1 is the goal, what else should i need to do to get that? (i think my current results are OK, but i want to have 1x1 always, if that is exactly mouse response
Everything black means you are getting 1-to-1 and no accel.
Note: 1-to-1 does not mean "1x1", it means that every MOUSE MOVEMENT (x,y) causes the exact same POINTER MOVEMENT (x,y).
Another way of saying that: If a line shows:
a x b c x d
... and a=c and b=d then that is 1-to-1.
1 x 0 1 x 0 is 1-to-1
-1 x 0 -1 x 0 is 1-to-1
2 x 3 2 x 3 is 1-to-1 etc.
only worked for one day, worked well for one day, next day back to all over the place mouse movement :(
Ok well
I've the mousefix added to registery, on windows its ok, sometimes 1x1 1x0 or something similiar, well i dont feel that.
Going ingame in half-life, also using noforce commands, it goes crazy like this
Im not even feeling the mousefix then its just fucked up.
How can i fix this?
> worked well for one day, next day back to all over the place...
If you turn EPP on and run MouseMovementRecorder.exe, do you see any red or greeen?
If you do, please upload a screenshot.
> Going ingame in half-life, ... it goes crazy like this...
Mouse Movement Recorder (MMR) does go crazy in-game, because Half-Life continually re-centres the pointer, which confuses MMR.
See - scroll to 'Comment #271'.
If you manually turn 'Enhance pointer precision' on (see the section "How do you know the fix is working?" above), and you get no red and no green on the Desktop in MMR then the fix is working.
i have to say this is a problem with all Valve games, not only half life.
As i say it did work for 1 day, the next day back to normall. Valve know this is a problem, but dont give a damm, as most players will just buy a controller. No help from steam either :(
*edit* from preview the screenie dont show up, how to post one here?
The green in that screen-dump happens if you move the pointer to the edge of the screen and try to keep moving left, off the edge. It's because of how MMR reads pointer movement and does not indicate a problem. Notice that the pointer is not moving left (it is stuck on the left edge), so MMR always records "0 x ?".
If with the pointer not at the edges of the screen (EPP on and 6/11) you see no red and no green, then the fix is working properly.
Valve games can have a similar problem with high DPI mice and quick mouse movements, when the (invisible) pointer hits the screen edge, this is the "Negative acceleration" problem. Is that what you are talking about?
I've tried myself, but don't know how to post an inline image. you can post a link to an image using:
<a href="http://(url)">(Link Text)</a>
quote[Valve games can have a similar problem with high DPI mice and quick mouse movements, when the (invisible) pointer hits the screen edge, this is the "Negative acceleration" problem. Is that what you are talking about?]end quote.
It's difficult to explain, but ( even before i dowloaded the fix ) it doesnt happen every time i play, when making a mouse movement, the view changes to a greater degree than that of the mouse movement, so lets say the ingame character is looking left, ( fps game half life, left 4 dead etc ) if i move the mouse to get a straight ahead view, the viewing angle shoots across the screen, then when i try to regain the orignal position, well lets just say that's a game in itself :)
But as i say, Valve know about this, Steam also are aware, i belive Steam made a source update to relieve this problem Nov 2010, it hasn't!
As to the mouse test, i would need to run the test during game play, dont know if that's possible without steam crashing, it would surely give some crazy readings.
I have a huge problem and I'm hopping some of you guys can help me.
If I'm in-game, no matter what game but atm cod bo and I'm moving my mouse slow or mid speed everything works fine. but if i will move my mouse really fast (180° turn at 0.3 mousesens, 35cm) the way i will turn ingame is not as far as if I would move my mouse slower. I hope you know what i mean. Would really appreciate every help i can get!
btw i tried 3 different mice with different dpi (cpi)
thank you!
> but if i will move my mouse really fast ... i will turn ... not as far as if I would move my mouse slower.
That's classic "negative acceleration".
Things to try:
- Increase your mouse polling rate using mouse drivers (if possible), or using HIDUSBF otherwise.
- Decrease your mouse CPI or Windows control panel sensitivity, and increase the in-game sensititivy to compensate.
Here is a post on how to diagnose negative accel caused by a game using an older mouse input method, try this.
How to test for Negative acceleration
because this is not directly related to my mouse fix, please discuss negative accel on the thread at: ESReality MarkC Windows 7 Mouse Acceleration Fix page.
> it doesnt happen every time i play, when making a mouse movement, the view changes to a greater degree than that of the mouse movement.
If it is erratic, I would suspect sensor tracking and try cleaning the sensor window (gently) or a different mouse pad.
Hey man it's all great work but when i didn't install the fix, and tested if i need it, it showed me very few RED colors in tester, but now when i installed it and tested its one GREEN, one RED line in tester. I tested it in cs. :S please help
quote[If it is erratic, I would suspect sensor tracking and try cleaning the sensor window (gently) or a different mouse pad. ]
Lol, oh boy, you working for Steam now xD. It's nothing to do with hardware. ( it's very common, the symptons i have most 64 bit win 7 users have, when playing Valve fps games )
After searching about, i don't think this fix works anymore, least not for games on Steam, i think this fix clashes somehow with the Steam upgrade.
Somehow, logging in & out ( of Steam ) seems to switch the fix of & on.
Don't know if you've read this, ( link below ) but this is the way to fix it, way too much farting about for me xD. Well Saitek made a few more bucks, so i guess they win, i smell a conspiracy xD.
ps, if you're the author of the above post, apologies in advance.
> ...tested if i need it
When testing if need a fix is needed, look at the last 'EnPtPr' column and the text at the very bottom of that column.
If the column footer text 'EnPtPr' has a red background, then you need a fix.
You may also get red or green in the Mouse Movement and Pointer Movement columns, but that is not part of the test; red and green there show something else.
If you turn EPP on, and see see no red and no green in the Mouse Movement and Pointer Movement columns, (and red in the EnPtPr column) on the desktop (not while a game is running), then the fix is working.
The Mouse Movement and Pointer Movement columns will show red and green while a game is running. The fix is still working, but the game is confusing MouseMovementRecorder.
See - scroll to 'Comment #271' for details.
> ...i don't think this fix works anymore, least not for games on Steam, i think this fix clashes somehow with the Steam upgrade.
This fix works: it removes the Control Panel acceleration.
Steam games must have a separate problem. This fix only removes control panel acceleration, and if there are problems with mouse drivers before the control panel handling (Logitech etc.), or after (in the game), or elsewhere, then look elsewhere for a solution!
Yesterday i installed this fix.... it worked perfect..... but today i log on to steam and play cs..... the mouse sensitivity is extremely low only for cs(in windows its fine), no matter if i max out the sensitivity in game or not its the same low.....please help
Well its not working at all with win7 64bit. What im suppose to see when I check mouse pointer to ON, it response exactly same for me. And when I see use the mouse recorder I still see tons off mouseacceleration. What is this causing, I followed every step correctly so no problem there, really need help. thx
If the fix is working properly, you should see no difference between 'Enhance pointer precision' (EPP) OFF versus ON.
Put the mouse speed slider in the middle 6/11 position, turn EPP OFF and see what MouseMovementRecorder.exe (MMR) show you. It should no green, no red.
Then turn EPP ON and if the fix is working then MMR will still show no green, no red.
If you see anything else, please respond back.
Hi Mark,
i am at 4/11 1600 dpi, 500mhz Logitech mx518 mouse setting atm, should i have OS implementation or Setpoint implementation selected for my 4/11 setting to work properly?
windows 7 x64 ultimate
Hi Mark, got a handfull of questions here.
Does your windowsdefault.reg file default all registry to default or just all of the entries because i have installed 6/11 then 4/11 right after ( see below )?(noob question, but scared)
I installed the 6/11 reg file and it seemed to work until i decided to change up my sens.. i made a 4/11 reg file and clicked it, was i suppose to click the WindowsDefault.reg one before i installed the 4/11?
With 4/11 installed now and with setpoint implementation selected and 4/11 selected under Setpoint, the only way i can get a full black screen on MMR is by having control panel sensitivity to 6/11, which i dont understand... im not using OS, im using Setpoints.
If i try to do OS implementation instead and do 4/11, i get reg/green spammed on MMR.
Whenever i have EPP off it is all black on MMR and it feels like no accel, but when i click it on.... it turns on EPP... meaning the fix apparently didnt work....
I've gone into the only game i play (quakelive) and tried the "put ur hand next to ur mouse" and aim at something in game, and go to the right fast and back left slow.. and it comes back dead on, meaning no accel i guess..
WHAT IS GOING ON !?!?!?!?!?! My brain really hurts after messin with this, on top of all of that while im in game i get spammed with red/green in MMR and yes i understand it 'could' just be a confusion between programs on that part. but seriously i dont even know whats going on anymore.
So, should i click windowsdefault.reg twice because i installed 6/11 and 4/11 ? or just once? and just try redoing this all over or do i not even have to mess with this *headache*
I don't have a Logitech mouse to test with, but when I did test one, I found that if you select 'Setpoint implementation', Setpoint ignores the control panel settings and INTERNALLY forces then to EPP off, 6/11 (they still show whatever they are on the control panel, but have no affect).
When you have 'Setpoint implementation' on, and you then toggle the control panel EPP or pointer speed, does MMR show any difference?
If you are using Setpoint with 'Setpoint implementation' on, AND the above test shows MMR no difference between any control panel change, then I Setpoint is removing your accel, and I would just use Setpoint.
My reg fix files set the curve to straight line and also set the pointer speed. WindowsDefault.reg resets the curve only.
It is safe to install them in any order, any number of times, but only the last one you installed has any effect on the curve.
So no, you don't have to click WindowsDefault.reg before installing the 4/11 curve.
Your comments about 4/11 versus 6/11 sound like either:
- Did you reboot or logout after installing the 4/11 curve? (You must reboot or logout each time you install one of the reg files.)
- Setpoint does NOT ignore/disable the control panel settings (I thought it did).
Can you upload screen dumps of MMR somewhere?
> but when i click it on.... it turns on EPP...
What happened when you clicked EPP on? The fix doesn't stop the EPP checkbox from going on, it just changes the curve so it shouldn't matter if it is on or off (when @ 6/11 using the 6/11 curve, the other curves are a bit different).
In Quakelive, MMR will display red and green because QL is confusing MMR. See
First of all thanks for putting in the effort for such a great fix.
Now to my Problem ...
I used the Mouse Recorder that came with your fix
and it seems that my mouse does faulty moves when
there is activity on the system ... Does Anyboy know about this Problem ???
For Example if i use the mouserecorder and there is still a window open and i do circles with my mouse i got a few error movements ...
When i close all windows there errors are very rare ...
But when i use mumble and move the mouse in circles i got almost only errormovements ...
I have no idea how to fix that
I am running win 7 ultimate x64
on a rampage III extreme
intel 990 extreme
could it be a hardware thingy ?
I also tried the coreparking thing and it
didn't fix it :/
I know it is not the fault of your fix but
i wanna figure out how to fix it cause i really
need 1:1 :)
thx in advance
In games like Team Fortress 2.
Do i have to put these commands on the "set launch options"?
"-useforcedmparms -noforcemparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd -noforcesmoth"
Or the fix would work without them, because the CPL and the Cheese (i think) mousefix need them.
Btw, sorry about my english
Frank said...
> it seems that my mouse does faulty moves when there is activity on the system...
If you get 1:1 with the system idle, then you are always getting 1:1.
When the system is busy, MouseMovementRecorder (MMR) can show some green or red, simply because it is too slow to keep up with the Windows pointer updates, OR more often that it is too fast and Windows is too slow updating the pointer.
The key problem is that Windows doesn't immediately move the pointer when the mouse moves.
Sometimes there is a delay between the mouse movement and Windows updating the pointer position, especially when the system is busy.
If the delay is too long, MMR will see the mouse movement, but won't see the pointer movement and will show green. THEN Windows does update the pointer. Then another mouse movement arrives and MMR sees double pointer movement (the current one and also the delayed one from last time) and shows red.
That Windows has a delay before updating the pointer position is just how it is I think.
Proper games that use Raw Input or Direct Input to read the mouse won't be affected by the delay.
Older programs (HL,CS,CS:Source,TF2...) that read the pointer position will be affected by the delay.
The delay IS very small, so perhaps nothing to worry about...
William said...
> Do i have to put these commands on the "set launch options"?
My fix will work without those commands.
But, (in Valve games) if you use -noforcemspd and set 'Enhance pointer precision' OFF, you don't need my fix.
Either fix (my fix or the -noforcemspd fix) works, you can use either, or both, it is your choice!
There is no point to the other launch options.
Much of what you read about the launch options on the internet is wrong.
-useforcedmparms means: Force accel on and set the Windows 2000 accel threshholds to zero. On Windows 2000, this disabled accel, but on Windows XP/Vista/7, this enables accel.
-noforcemparms means: Do NOT force accel on and do NOT set the Windows 2000 accel threshholds to zero. (If you use this, there is no point in using the option above: -noforcemparms always overrides -useforcedmparms).
-noforcemspd means: Do NOT force accel on.
-noforcemaccel means: Do NOT set the Windows 2000 accel threshholds to zero.
-noforcesmoth is just something that someone made up: I don't think it is a real option.
With the HL1 engine (HL1 and CS 1.6), -useforcedmparms is assumed.
With the HL:Source engine (TF2,CS:Source,HL:Source), -noforcemparms is assumed unless you have other launch options.
What about the random "mouseaccel" so many have now? Even with the fix the mouse can behave very different, even in a fluid motion you can go from slow movement to extremely fast and down to really slow again... if i possition my mouse, while in cs 1.6, at the end of my mousepad and drag it slowly across, marking where i ended up and draging it fast to get back to the other side of the mousepad again. My view in-game is not the same as when i started. 1 mousepad is normally about 130 degrees for me. But lately it can be anything from 45 degrees to 190... Seems like it usually happens when doing small movements, it can do a 180 turn when just moving the mouse an inch or two. I have tried this with about 5 different mice and pads and its all the same. Many friends have the same problem. For some reason it seems like the fix gets overridden and if you apply it again it can fix it, temporarily... but after about 10-20 min its back again. Doing small circles in game is a really easy way to catch the erratic behavior. All of us with the problem is running Windows 7 64-bit. Might have to go back to xp with a VR maschine for win 7 if I can't find a solution.. :/
Hi pjk,
Has cs 1.6 changed how it handles the mouse recently?
(I know CS:Source has changed to allow "Raw Input", or is about to change - the latest beta versions have changed.)
When you try the slow out then fast back test, does the viewpoint end up past where you started (overshoot = positive accel), or does it end up between where you started and the slow out point (undershoot = negative accel)?
If you see undershoot, then see this post on how to diagnose negative accel caused by a game using an older mouse input method:
How to test for Negative acceleration.
Hey Mark,
as i did this part --> How do you know the fix is working ? there SOMETIMES appear green and infrequently red lines .
Look forward too hearing from you ;)
PS:added a pic
Hey Mark,
so is the fix builder only for older games?
Im playing CoD4 (Call Of Duty4) and i have the pointer speed 8/11, in windows and in setpoint..;)
That looks exactly like the "Loading the fix with a non-Administrator account" problem: A 1 count error when the pointer changes direction left-right or up-down.
Try any of the fixes at the end of my original post above: "Run Disable_WelcomeScreen+Login_Accel.CMD as Administrator (Right-click > Run as administrator)..." etc.
> COD4
As far as I know, COD4 does not need a fix, just set 'Enhance pointer precision' OFF and you are good to go.
To be 100% sure, do this:
- Apply "Test_Flatline.reg" from my fix zip file and reboot,
- Run DOD4
If your mouse response goes completely speed throttled in-game, then COD4 needs a fix.
(Don't panic! the mouse still works, just VERY SLOWLY. Turn EPP OFF to get back normal speed, and re-apply "WindowsDefault.reg" or my fix as needed.)
Hey Mark,
yeah, im not playing with the administrator, but i didnt get this message : "Cannot import (filename).reg: Not all data was successfully written to the registry." so i thought that all is working, also when its running with a non-administrator account ;)
I tried to fix it, but i dont know what that means : Disable_WelcomeScreen+Login_Accel.CMD as Administrator (Right-click > Run as administrator)..." etc
Where i have to write it?
Okay found it ;)
I´ll test it now!
After testing the fix :
WITH enhance pointer precision:
WITHOUT enhance pointer precision:
But this green and red bars only appear VERY infrequently!
I did the test (Disable_WelcomeScreen+Login_Accel.CMD), but only this one ;)
Should I also test the other ones ?
The occasional green/red is nothing to worry about: Sometimes MMR gets out of sync when trying to match mouse movement and pointer movement. It is an MMR problem, not a system problem.
with.png puzzles me...
It looks either:
- You don't have my fix applied, or
- You have a fix builder fix for pointer speed = 9/11 applied.
Why has it gone from working almost all of the time ( to not working at all?
Try re-applying my fix reg file and see if it changes.
If you use pointer speed = 6/11, then there should be no difference in MMR between Enhance pointer precision ON or OFF.
Hi Mark, I've been reading about your fix for Win7 in several forums, and I don't seem to find any comments regarding the fix being overriden in newer games like Dead Space 2, and Crysis 2. The fix works on the desktop fine, but these two examples exhibit acceleration even when MMR shows EPP is off. COD Black Ops is fine. If games have it designed that way, the fix cannot override it? Thanks for your fix and guide. A lot of people appreciate the help.
Hey Mark,
me again!
To be 100% sure, do this:
- Apply "Test_Flatline.reg" from my fix zip file and reboot,
- Run DOD4
I did that and EPP was first OFF, it works normally, but after turning EPP ON it was very speed throttled in windows and in CoD4!
So does it mean that CoD4 NEEDS a fix?
> Dead Space 2, and Crysis 2
If MMR shows EPP off when you have been in-game (AND the EnPtPr text at the bottom of the window is still black), then those games do not turn Windows Control Panel accel on, and don't need a fix for Windows Control Panel accel.
The accel in Dead Space 2 & Crysis 2 must be coming from elsewhere, perhaps built in to the games.
Sorry, I left a step out:
To be 100% sure, do this:
- Apply "Test_Flatline.reg" from my fix zip file and reboot,
- Set EPP OFF,
- Run DOD4
If your mouse response goes completely speed throttled in-game, then COD4 needs a fix.
If you turned EPP on yourself, then that doesn't count: it only counts if COD4 goes throttled when you had set EPP OFF, because that means COD4 must have set it on.
Disabling laptop mouse pad For Windows 7 , go to Control Panel > Hardware and Sound , then under Devices and Printer click MOUSE.
A window will appear about MOUSE PROPERTIES then click the "Finger Sensing Pad" tab .. Then click " Configure"
On "Configure Item" on the left corner click the "Enable/Disable Pad" and under this you go to "USB MOUSE DETECTION" and check the box "Disable pad while external USB is plugged in"
Does this fix work for counter-strike 1.6. I mean I tried this fix correctly set, and in cs I still had plenty of mouseacceleration. Then I tried cpl mousefix and it could feel the difference, no acceleration. Reason why I ask is because some said it worked for them and it's not for me, so any help would be good. So I ran the mousefix builder to my settings I used. Pointer is off ofc ingame. 100%dpi,sens3 in windows, and 1-1 pointer speed scaling. Then I run the mousemovement recorder, and I saw that mouse movement and pointer movement did not match. Well anyway I want this work for my games in steam aswell.
Thx, Carl
This fix works for CS 1.6; it works for any game that the CPL fix works for, but with a different overall sensitivity (but BOTH fixes do remove Control Panel accel).
The difference between MarkC and CPL is in the overall sensitivity. The sensitivity difference could make NEGATIVE acceleration MORE likely when using MarkC. When using MarkC the overall speed of the mouse will be higher, but that is NOT accel, it's just a higher sensitivity.
(Since you could feel a difference, I'll assume you are NOT using the -noforcemspd or -noforcemparms launch options in CS 1.6. With neither of those set, CS 1.6 sets EPP ON.)
CPL with 3/11 and EPP ON has an overall sensitivity of × 0.31. MarkC Fix Builder for 3/11 with EPP ON has an overall sensitivity of × 1 (exact 1-to-1).
Exact 1-to-1 avoids the any effects of delayed or discarded mouse input, BUT since 1 > 0.31, the response is greater AND there is a higher chance of NEGATIVE acceleration.
See How to test for Negative acceleration [link]
MouseMovementRecorder: With the MarkC Fix Builder fix for 3/11, set 3/11, set EPP ON and MMR should show no red or green when moving the mouse on the Desktop (MMR is not designed to record when in-game and malfunctions).
If you set 3/11, EPP ON with my fix and MMR shows lots of red or green, then please upload a screen-dump to someplace and post the link.
I am using mouse movement recorder and i sometimes get red and green lines. Its not all the time, just sometimes. more so when i move my mouse really fast. I have my windows sensitivity on 6, i rebooted my machine, and i chose the right dpi reg file (100%). i dont no wat im doing wrong. can someone help?
The "sometimes" mouse movement recorder (MMR) red and green lines are only a problem in MMR; your mouse is OK and the fix is working, don't worry.
If for testing you turn 'Enhance pointer precision' on, and MMR usually shows all black, then it's all OK.
Occasional paired red/green or green/red in MMR are more common for a mouse with a high USB poll/report rate (500Hz or 1000Hz) and more common if your PC is busy and more common if the MMR window is maximized.
They are caused because there is a timing difference between when Windows reads mouse input and when Windows updates the pointer position. Usually the pointer position is updated very close to the mouse input arriving, but sometimes there is a delay between the two. When that delay is more than 0.5µs, MMR can't match the mouse movement up with the pointer movement, and shows green and red.
that would explain it because i have my intelli3.0 overclocked to 1000hz. thanks mark. if i lowered it to 125hz just for testing should it be all black then?
Hello Mark!
First of all..great thing you've done here! In my quest to get my sensitivity feeling right for CS 1.6 in Windows 7 I have installed your fix and seen marvelous results. I was wondering: how does the option "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" affect users playing at 1920x1080 with your mousefix?
Thank you sir.
> if i lowered it to 125hz just for testing should it be all black then?
It will more often be black. It may still sometimes show green and red, but less often than at 1000Hz (I think).
> "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings"
High DPI is not the same as a large screen size (in pixels).
DPI is the "Click Start, click Control Panel, select Appearance and Personalization, select Display." number shown (normally 100%).
126% and above is "High", and could cause a badly written game to perform very very slowly, in which case setting "Disable display scaling on high DPI settings" would fix it.
hi mark! help me! i play cs source and bad company 2. after format my HD I can not remove the variable accel, worse! he is "negative acceleration" O_o after aplied your reg.
before formatting did the same process and use the same configs game, without errors. well, my mouse ta buggy? help!
lcd 22 "wide x7 60GHz xl750bk windows 7 64
sens win 3/11 3600dpi cs sens 4
thx = p
> "negative acceleration"
Yes, unfortunately, negative accel can get worse after applying my fix, compared to CPL, and certainly if you use < 6/11 (you use 3/11) AND also use my Fix Builder, it can get a lot worse.
For CS:Source, use the new Raw Input option: Source Games now support Raw Input, which should fix all negative acceleration.
For Bad Company 2, I don't know if there are in-game options that might reduce negative accel.
If you have used my fix builder to build a 3/11 fix and are getting negative accel, then DON'T use a 3/11 fix, instead use the normal 6/11 fix: you won't get exact 1-to-1, but negative accel will happen A LOT less often.
Perhaps try RInput and see if that works with BC2.
Marck i have a problem in windows 7 ultimate. I applied the fix, reboot the first time and then I have 1 to 1. But the second reboot the effect 1 to 1 disappears. EVER. I try 1000 times and i dont have 1 to 1 for ever. Help me
my gmail
Please help me D:
Run MouseMovementRecorded.exe and if you get mostly 1-to-1 (black) and only occasional paired red/green (a red followed by a green, or a green followed by a red), then it is OK.
If you see anything else, please upload a screen-dump image to imgur or somewhere and post a link, thanks.
I was looking for this for a L O N G time :)
Would negavtive accel cause mousemovementrecorder to show green lines?
Having trouble telling if mousemovementrecorder can even detect mouse acceleration from bc2 because I even checked it in-game but it shows it as never being turned on or running in the recorder. If I select it in control panel mouse settings it shows it being turned on.
I really need this software to do a negative curve for me to counter an over sensitive joystick caused by a games increased update rate.
I looked at the script but I'm not able to tweak it to deliberately create a negative curve.
Could you create a unique program to do this or show me where in the vbs script I can do it.
Could you possibly make a "Flat Line" .reg for a speed setting of 8?
I think that speed matches the in game speed and I'm hoping it can negate any acceleration.
Win 7 100% DPI
Mouse setting 8
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Re: negative curve or "flat line" curve
hoppan has a post that describes how to make a custom mouse accel curve:
Tutorial: how to customize Windows accel.
> Would negavtive accel cause Mousemovementrecorder to show green lines?
See here for how to check for negative acceleration: How to test for Negative acceleration.
I really want to learn how to "code" my own acceleration similar to this:
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse]
How can I make it like this but... 50% slower?
I used to program to make a registry file.
I wanted it to have a pointer scale at 0,1x.
How do I apply extreme mouse acceleration to this registry file?
> Pointer Scale = 0,1X and extreme mouseacceleration.
Sorry, my VBS file only creates accel curves that have no accel at all.
You could try this:
hoppan has a post that describes how to make a custom mouse accel curve:
Tutorial: how to customize Windows accel.
There is a collection of different curves here: How to adjust the mouse acceleration in Windows XP (applies to Vista an 7 also), you might try experimenting with some of those.
> How can I make it like this but... 50% slower?
50% slower where in the curve?
The curve has 4 segments, each segment has a mouse-speed where it starts to apply, and corresponding scaling multiplier. Between the start of a segment and the start of the next segment, the multiplier is interpolated.
Check out hoppan's link (my post above), for some info on how the curves are built.
(I don't have too much more time at the moment to explain in more detail, sorry.)
I actually asked the last 2 questions of this blog.
Thanks for your answers, and I think I am able to "code" my own registry now. I do have 1 more simple question.
- Is it possible to disable a segment?
What I want to do, for my game, is to play with 3 sensitivities:
1 slow, but very aimful sensitivty, which is able to perform precision down to 1-pixel-aming.
2 medium, decent sensitivity used to move controlled but still "fast" around corners. Supposively my sensitivity used most and also used to "Bunny jump" in certain games.
3 fast, extreme fast sensitivity used to have fast reflexes, make instant 180-degree turns.
Is this possible?
Nevermind MarkC! I have figured it ALL out and this is totally amazing. Thank you!
Thanks for the link to Hoppan's thread, it was very helpful and I'm starting to get my head around this a little better after reading it.
I've been able to control input sensitivity in a game by keeping the refresh rate low (60Hz) under Win-xp until a recent upgrade to Win-7. Now it's oversensitive and sluggish no matter what I do with refresh rate (assuming this is caused by the difference between acceleration methods used by both OS).
Would you think it's possible to compensate for the change to Win-7 by altering the curve? I've tried many combinations but I just can't seem to get rid of the sluggishness. It's driving me bonkers.
I hate to keep a dual boot OS just to play this one game. I'm trying to get it to "play nice" on Win-7.
Does the game itself matter or would the OS speed sensitivity and curve be enough to overcome this problem?
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
There are only a few differences between XP+Vista mouse accel and Windows 7 mouse acell when 'Enhance pointer precision' is on.
1) Rounding of remainders in XP and Vista can cause and up-left drift when moving the mouse slowly,
2) XP+Vista have a scaling factor that includes:
Monitor Hz / Desktop DPI
Windows 7 has a scaling factor that includes:
Desktop DPI / 150
Aside from that, the calculations are the same.
When DPI=96 (XP/Vista="Normal Fonts", Windows 7="100%), and Monitor Hz = 60Hz, these are:
XP+Vista: 60/96 = 0.625
Win-7: 96/150 = 0.64
Very close to each other, so I would expect sensitivity to be very close.
Mouse USB polling rate has a huge effect on how the accel curve is used. If your mouse polling rate is different on XP versus 7, that will greatly affect how the curve is applied.
Higher polling rates dampen the 'accel' parts of the curve and mean you must move the mouse faster to get the same accel as before.
2000 mouse counts in 1 second @ 125Hz is 2000/125 = 16 per poll, and the accel curve for speed 16 is applied. 2000 mouse counts in 1 second @ 1000Hz is 2 per poll, and the accel curve for speed 2 is applied, which is a lot less accel than at 16.
(Windows is not smart enough to adjust for mouse polling rate.)
If your polling rate is the same on both, then it should be possible to use either the in-game sensitivity, or the Control Panel sensitivity, or a custom built curve sensitivity (either of those) to get the response the same.
If (for testing) you set EPP ON, and look at MouseMovementRecorder.exe in XP, then in 7, are there obvious differences at different mouse speeds? Perhaps take some pic dumps and post them to an image hosting service for me to look at?
I think you hit the nail right on the head when you brought the polling rate into the equation. I'm sorry to add more confusion but there's more to this story and I didn't want to clutter up your site with all the details.
The problem I'm experiencing isn't with the mouse but rather a joystick. Windows acceleration affects the precision of the joystick in game just as it does the mouse. If I turn off EPP, the joystick lacks precision when making fine adjustments and feels as though it's slushy. Then when I try to compensate it overreacts. With EPP on, the stick behaves "tighter" and has more precision, but still isn't precise enough.
The game underwent some coding when all this began and from that poor coding, it broke the use of the speed sensitivity slider in CP so that now that slider has no affect on mice in-game yet the acceleration curve still affects mice and joysticks when EPP is on/off. Furthermore, the game coding also increased the game "update rate" (polling of devices) and I think that's where I'm getting the increased pointer speed from. Unfortunately, the game has no sensitivity adjustment so I'm forced to find a workaround.
If I set the speed sensitivity slider to 6/11 with EPP off and launch the game, the pointer is noticeably faster than it was on the desktop. If I set the sensitivity slider to 8/11 (EPP off) and launch the game, the pointer seems to be the same speed as on the desktop. I'm guessing that the increased game "update rate" or "frame rate", not to be confused with graphics frame rate, is the cause.
Because of the phrase "Acceleration" is used, I was thinking that I needed to go the opposite direction to compensate. Man was I wrong. I'm now getting closer to the sweet spot by putting the windows sensitivity setting to 8/11 (not sure if that matters) and using your builder to create a curve at 1.05 scaling.
This may take awhile, but you've got me on the right track now. Previously I was assuming that I needed to go the opposite direction with the scaling because I related the curve with acceleration, but in reality, the curve serves to decelerate as well when making small controller inputs.
I can't thank you enough for your last reply, it really helped bring my head around this concept.
Is it possible to make more segments?
Marck i apied you mouse fix in my windows 64 bits and its ok. but the problem is my mouse gaming
When i install the drivers of my mouse the pointer isn't exactly. But in a friend's house my mouse works ok ( installed drivers). He has a 16:9 screen and i have 16:10 screen. And i don't kwnow, what happen here?!
> Is it possible to make more segments?
Unfortunately, NO.
The number of segments is hard-coded by Windows.
> Mad Catz Black Ops Stealth ... drivers...
Do you have the Control Panel > Mouse > Pointer speed slider set to the middle 6/11 position?
The standard MarkC fix needs 6/11 to give exact 1-to-1.
Otherwise, can you post a screenshot of MouseMovementRecorder.exe showing the response?
The screen widtth or size or shape has no effect.
hi mark!
I'm running Windows 7 x64 on my PC and i play Counter-Strike 1.6
Sometimes when i make slow movements, the mouse accelerates a bit for a moment and then it returns to normal... it's like ''moving the crosshair slowly, it gets faster, and then slowly again''. sometimes i get very angry about it
i've installed the MarkC fix 100%dpi, tried the -noforce commands on the launch options of the game,disabling DEP,i tested on both my mouses(intelli 1.1 & deathadder) and the problem continues...
Can you help me ? any solution for this? (im sorry for any english mistake, im brazilian :D )
thank you
> Windows 7 x64 on my PC and i play Counter-Strike 1.6
Sorry, there are some things about mouse accel I know and some I don't know.
If MouseMovementRecorder.exe shows mostly black 1-to-1 when testing with EPP on, then the fix is working and removing Control Panel accel.
The only suggestion I have is to try a different mouse pad, sorry.
@Ricardo: I've got EXACTLY the same problem as mentioned above. I'm using DA 3.5G (450 DPI, 500Hz) with drivers and MarkC mousefix onboard. I'm playing CS with -noforcemparms -noforcemaccel. My machine is running W7 64bit.
At the beggining I thought it might be due to my mousepad (SS QCK+), but it seems to me that some background processes make the problem worse. Playing without any voice comm, the problem is barely visible. While using Ventrilo + ESL Wire anti-cheat it gets annoying as hell. Of course it might be only placebo effect, but a friend of mine claims it is a case for him too.
I'm considering giving RInput a shot, but I don't think it will help. Any ideas?
MarkC, I guees u are the man for the job.
I am trying to Install moudrv, but my windows 7 64bit wont allow me to because the driver is not signed.
What should I do?
> I am trying to Install moudrv, but my windows 7 64bit wont allow me ...
I haven't used it, but I suggest you try this:
Driver Signature Enforcement Overrider.
Hey Mark, I noticed Setpoint soemwhat 'overwrites' your mousefix.
I recently did a fresh install of windows 7 and put your mousefix, then setpoint.
Setpoint seriously messes up the acceleration ( gives positive accel)even when it's set to OS implementation. I think you should mention that, as it's a majority of the problem.
Btw, I play CS 1.6, and I was wondering if the noforce commands affect the accel and should I be using them in conjunction with your fix.. It does change the feel ingame, and If I don't use 'noforcemparms' it feels like accel has returned.
Hey mark, is there a way to change X and Y sensitivies for he mouse cursor?
In this case, I want the x-axis to be faster than the y-axis of my screen.
You say that this fix (for cs 1.6) is the same as turning off pointer precision and using -noforcemspd, yet I feel a difference between the two. I also feel a difference between win 7 and win xp using just the launch options...
> I noticed Setpoint soemwhat 'overwrites' your mousefix
I don't have SetPoint to test against, but I think you are right: I have seen SetPoint FORCE EPP OFF, even when it it looks like it is set ON in the Control Panel.
My fix only has any effect when a game turns EPP ON, and with SetPoint forcing it to OFF, no fix is needed (or works).
In CS 1.6, -noforcemspd means : do NOT force EPP ON in-game. If you set EPP OFF in the Control Panel, and use -noforcemspd, then you won't have any control panel accel.
I recommend using -noforcemspd with CS 1.6.
> is there a way to change X and Y sensitivies for the mouse cursor?
No, NOT using a registry fix, sorry.
Some mouse drivers (Razer for example) allow this, but you need a Razer mouse.
Many games allow this, for example in CS 1.6 you can set the m_pitch and m_yaw separately. m_yaw controls X axis (left-right) and m_pitch controls Y axis (up-down).
> this fix (for cs 1.6) is the same as turning off pointer precision and using -noforcemspd
Yes, WHEN the control panel pointer speed slider is set to the middle 6/11 position.
If set to other than 6/11, then this fix and using -noforcemspd will have different sensitivities, depending on the exact pointer speed slider setting.
hello, i need your help if its possible:) i want double mouse accel... but there is no way to do this in my knowing..:( i mean simple 1-to-1 movement, but when my mouse exceeds a concrete speed, then it doubles itself. So to be linear, not like EPP...:( can u help me somehow? sorry bout my poor english:)
and to be fair... to set tresholds it wont helped me... i tried your mousefix after that i set treshold1 to 9 treshold2 to 0 and let speed in 1, but there wasnt any accel at all. When i tried it with default windows settings it forces itself back to "EPP", where speed is 1 treshold1 is 6 and treshold2 is 10, so in this case there is quadruple accel(?)
but in my knowing default windwos accel is not linear, so how can i make it linear?:)
> i want double mouse accel...
That can be done by building a curve (the SmoothMouse*Curve values) that works (almost) the same as the old Windows 95/98/2000 thresholds, which double at a certain threshold.
If you answer some questions, I can build a double-accel curve for you.
What threshold did you want (9?), are you using Windows XP or Vista or 7, what monitor Hz do you have (in-game?), what Text Size (Font DPI) are you using, what Pointer speed slider position are you using (6/11?)?
See here for finding out your Text Size (normally 100% for Windows 7, and normally 96 for XP & Vista).
How to view/change the DPI on Windows 7.
How to view/change the DPI on Vista.
How to view/change the DPI on XP.
> quadruple accel?
Quadruple accel can only be approximated, but it can also be done using a specially built curve.
> threshold1 ... threshold2
The threshold1 & 2 registry variables WERE used in Windows 95/98/2000 to tune the mouse accel, but DO NOT work in XP/Vista/7.
For some reason, Windows XP+ still set those when you switch EPP off and on, but they have no effect on mouse speed or accel anymore.
thank you for your time. I have XP_Sp3 96 DPI 100 HZ and yes, i want double accel when my speed exceeds a certain (9) value. But if you dont mind u can do it for 75 and 85 Hz also, cuz sometimes i have to play on TFT or LCD (LAN) and 3/11 + 6/11 and my gratefulness will follow you (?:D) so actually its 6 regs. but i think then u can modify simply your program, cant u? :)
> double accel
I haven't built the 3/11 ones yet (it takes a while), but please test these 6/11 ones:
XP+Vista_MouseFix_@XXHz_DPI=96_Scale=1-to-1(2-to-1@9) at
NOTE: You MUST have EPP ON for this to work.
Test it first on the desktop with EPP ON and use MouseMovementRecorder (in my main fix zip file) to see that slow movement is 1-to-1 (black) and movement faster than 8 is 2-to-1 (red and doubled).
To use this in-game, your game must keep EPP ON, or force EPP on.
This means set EPP ON in the control panel, and do the following:
CS 1.6 - nothing, DO NOT use the -noforcem~ parms options
CS:Source - DO NOT use Raw Input
Quake Live: use in_mouse -1
For other games I don't know...
Please let me know how it goes!
Thank you very much!!! Thats exactly what i wanted! :) 3/11 isnt necessary, im fine already:) Now f0rest and n0thing are in trouble, hahaha:)) Thank you once again, ill appreciate your work! Good job
thank you so much for your help here
Hey mark my box EPP is off and my sens win is 6/11..
i only play CS:S... the mousemovementrecord in the 2 columns is black, no red and no green
I NEED TO DO SOMETHING MORE to fix the acceleration in CS:S? put some noforce command? i think what i dont need your mouse fix to windows 7...
This dont works for me :(
MarkC THANK YOU for your hard work
I'm doing everything right and it doesn't work,
Nevermind it was just the re-center bug, it works! sorry for double post
Hi Mark,
First thing first, thank you so much for all the work you've done with this mousefix.
However, I'm a little bit confused about all of this and was wondering if you can help me ! Any and all help will be appreciated :)
Currently running :
Windows 7 Premium x64
Razer Deathadder mouse - 1800DPI, 1000Hz, 3.5 sensitivity on mouse
( however, I will be switching to sensei and wanted to use this before i put it in )
Mouse Pointer speed in Windows - 4/11
Windows Resolution - 1024 X 768
In Game Resolution - 640 X 480
Sensitivity in game - 3.1
- noforcemspd -noforcemparms -noforcemaccel
The thing I'm confused about is, I read this from your post:
NOTE: You have a high DPI mouse! If you do enable exact 1-to-1 with a high DPI mouse, you are more likely to get negative acceleration when you move the mouse quickly, because the hidden desktop mouse-pointer is more likely to hit the edge of the screen with a high DPI mouse.
What's considered a high DPI ?
And just to confirm: To use this mousefix...
1) Since I use 4/11 mouse sensitivity, Would I use the MarkC Windows 7 + Vista + XP Mouse Acceleration Fix Builder?
2) After I put it in, do I delete the -noforce commands?
3) For the mouse setting, do I uncheck the Enhance Pointer Position in Windows?
I think that's all my questions for now. Thank you in advance !
P.S. Since I'm switching to a sensei, my new CPI would be 5580CPI. (I used their DPI to CPI calculator)
- thankful person !
Sorry, I forgot to mention I play Counter-Strike 1.6
- thankful person
> I NEED TO DO SOMETHING MORE to fix the acceleration in CS:S? put some noforce command? i think what i dont need your mouse fix to windows 7...
Correct: In CS:S, you don't my mouse fix.
If you use the new CS:S "Raw Input", all Windows control panel mouse accel is removed.
Even before the new Raw Input option, CS:S did not have the accel problem UNLESS you use the -useforcedmparms launch option, so don't use that option and you are OK without a fix.
> What's considered a high DPI ?
It depends.
A combination of things make negative accel more likely, and a high mouse DPI is only one factor.
A lower in-game resolution (which you have) and/or a lower in-game frame rate, and/or a higher mouse DPI, and/or a playing style with quick mouse movements make neg accel more likely.
With a low in-game resolution and a low in-game frame rate, even a medium mouse DPI might make neg accel likely.
With a high in-game resolution and high in-game frame rate, even a high mouse DPI might be OK.
Your effective DPI is only medium anyway, because of the 3.5 Razer sensitivity.
Here is a post on how to diagnose negative accel caused by a game using an older mouse input method, try this.
How to test for Negative acceleration.
I recommend:
Don't use both 4/11 and the mouse driver sensitivity because using both has a small amount of delayed or discarded mouse input.
Set Control Panel pointer speed slider to 6/11 and adjust your mouse driver senstivity to get back to the same overall sensitivity.
(When EPP is on, 4/11 is × 0.6; when EPP is off, 4/11 is × 0.5)
For CS 1.6, I recommend:
- You do not need a mouse fix, and using one will stuff up your on-desktop mouse response if you normally have EPP ON on the desktop.
Instead, keep using the -noforcemspd and/or -noforcemparms launch options.
If you turn EPP OFF before the game, and use those options, you don't need a fix.
- Without a fix, you MUST turn EPP OFF before playing CS 1.6.
If you always have it off anyway, then nothing to do, otherwise turn it OFF before playing CS 1.6 then turn it back on afterwards for normal desktop use.
- Consider using RInput with CS 1.6
Would it be possible to modify your mouse movement recorder to record joystick movement instead?
I'm having this same problem except with a joystick and I need to create a curve that exactly matches a previous game's build. Our current game build has it all messed up and the accel curve seems to counter this bug but I just can't get it perfect.
Thanks for any help
> Would it be possible to modify your mouse movement recorder to record joystick movement instead?
Maybe. But first you need to know 100% that the Windows accel curve is actually affecting your joystick response, and affecting it IN-GAME.
If the curve is not affecting joystick response, then modifying MMR would be pointless.
To test, apply curve "Test_Flatline.reg" from my fix ZIP file, logout or reboot, Go into the control panel, set "Enhance pointer precision" to ON, run your game and see what the joystick reponse is.
If the curve is affecting the game, your mouse and joystick response will VERY VERY slow and speed limited. Large movements, small movements, it won't matter: the in-game view-point will move very slowly.
(Apply "WindowsDefault.reg" and reboot to get back to normal, and/or turn EPP OFF.)
If joystick response is normal, then no there is point in creating a custom curve.
Hi Mark, I have a question.
I downloaded the windows mousefix and when I run MMR, I still see red/green colors.
I tested it by turning on EPP, and having the pointer at 6/11. When I run MMR, most of the time it's black, but it will still show green/red when I move really fast.
Is this normal?
> but it will still show green/red when I move really fast.
That is a problem with MMR that often happens.
As long as the sum of the 2 red and green Pointer Movements numbers is the same as the sum of the corresponding Mouse Movement numbers, all is well: The fix is working, it is only a MMR/Windows problem.
When I run the MMR with the EPP turned on and off, I only see red/green light when I move it to the left. Any other direction, it's all black. Is that okay?
If I were to move it to the right, nothing. Only when I move the mouse to the left down, like 7 o clock direction, I see red/green lights. This is with both EPP on and off.
I'm using a steelseries sensei at 400cpi and 500hz polling rate.
> I only see red/green light when I move it to the left.
MMR will show green when the mouse pointer hits the edge of the screen, so make sure the pointer is not at the left edge when moving left.
If that's not your situation, then please upload a screen dump somethere ( works).
Hey mark thanks for this fix..
i try to get in win7 the same EPP as in XP..
the win7 EPP feels much higher than the XP
Ur fix feels a bit slower (at the end of the accel-curve) than the normal xp EPP..
i play around with the value but i dont get it..
if u know a better way to get it similar to Xp-EPP pls let me know! :)
> I try to get in win7 the same EPP as in XP
On XP, what monitor refresh rate did you use, and what Font Size/DPI did you use?
(How to view/change the DPI on XP.)
On XP, what mouse fix did you use? (None=standard Windows, CPL, Cheese?)
On Windows 7, what Font Size/DPI do you use?
(How to view/change the DPI on Windows 7.)
Do you want normal Windows EPP accel the same as it was on Windows XP, or do you want NO accel using a mouse fix?
on XP:100%,120hz-monitor,500hz-usb and no Fix tool
on win7:100%, 100hz-monitor, 500hz-usb,
(i had probs with win7 and monitor-hz over 85 but i found a solution and removed pin#12 from my monitor cable-adapter
in XP i had a ms ie3.0 mouse wit 500Dpi(?)(max sens 11/11 EPP=ON)
Win7 with the same setup was aboslutely unplayable..
now i use a Logitech g300 with 2500DPi
and i want my accel from XP back it was much better for games than the Win7 one.. quakelive has a accel system but i can`t get a accelcurve similar to the XP one.
is it possible to copy the Xp registry to win7?
thanks for any help
Game: Counter-Strike 1.6
Windows: 7 x86
MouseFix: Windows7_MouseFix_TextSize(DPI)=100%_Scale=1-to-1_@6-of-11
I need to use launch options command?
-noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -noforcemspd
> on XP:100%,120hz-monitor,500hz-usb and no Fix tool
> on win7:100%, 100hz-monitor, 500hz-usb,
> in XP i had a ms ie3.0 mouse wit 500Dpi(?)(max sens 11/11 EPP=ON)
> now i use a Logitech g300 with 2500DPi
Tricky, because TWO things have changed: XP->7, AND ALSO the DPI of your mouse.
IF you had kept the MS IE3.0 (older IE 3.0 have 400DPI, and the newer IE 3.0 has 450DPI, so my googleing tells me), then a tweak to the standard Windows accel curve can match what you had before. That curve would be:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse]
Even though XP&default_curve@120Hz and Win7&curve_above have the same sens and accel, there are problems with with that curve @11/11: PIXEL SKIPPING.
The sens on the slow part of the curve is ×2.27, so a single count mouse of movement causes at least 2 pixels of pointer movmement, limiting accuracy.
Changing from 400/450 DPI to 2500 DPI makes the accel harder to match, because the changed DPI has likely changed how you move the mouse (much slower than before for slow movement, but MAYBE only a little slower than before for quick "flick" movements?)
Note also: Logitech drivers have their own sens scaling and accel. Logitech drivers can use their own sens and scaling, or can use the Windows control panel sens and scaling, depending on an option in the SetPoint config.
If configured to use its own accel, changing the Window control panel accel (via SmoothMouseX/YCurve) will have no effect.
> -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -noforcemspd
With CS 1.6 (and the pointer speed slider @ 6/11), you have 3 choices:
1) Set EPP OFF in the control panel and use -noforcemaccel -noforcemparms -noforcemspd
2) Use my mouse fix
3) Do both of the above
If you use option (1), you don't need to use my mouse fix (for CS 1.6), but it won't hurt.
If you have the pointer speed slider at other than 6/11, then any of 1,2,3 remove accel, but will have slightly different sens multipliers...
thanks for solving this problem dude
We should install your mousefix on clear system with EPP ON or OFF or maybe doesn't matter?
But of course while playing the game turn OFF EPP.
hey mark i have made fix by mouse fix builder....
by keeping 6/11, using all noforce commands.
i have razer Mamba and i play with 5600 dpi in counter strike.
previously i played with cplmouse fix on win7, which i am pretty sure had some negative accelerations in game. Now after scaling back to 6/11 on 5600 dpi the sensitivity is uncontrollable.... please suggest me what should i do now... can scale down again to 3/11 or what ?? because i cannot reduce my sens below 1.0 in counter strike..
thanks in advance...
marckmousefix = rinput ?
srry but my english is bad :(
Mark Cranness, do you have email? need help.. :(
> do you have email?
Please questions here or in the support thread @
franki said:
> marckmousefix = rinput?
RInput and MarkC remove normal Windows control panel mouse acceleration ("positive accel").
RInput also removes any "negative" acceleration.
MarkC fixes do not remove negative acceleration.
In some cases MarkC fixes can make negative acceleration worse.
Normal control panel acceleration causes fast mouse movements to be extra fast, and slow mouse movements to be extra slow.
"Negative" acceleration causes very fast mouse movements to be slower than normal.
If RInput works for you, you would use it rather than a registry fix, or use both (the registry fix for games that RInput doesn't work for).
Raviteja said:
> please suggest me what should i do now...
If playing CS:Source, then use the new Raw Input option and set your in-game sensitivity to a value less than one by using the console...
Press ~ key while playing (in-game) and enter:
sensitivity 0.5
... or some value. Although the UI will not let you set sensitivity less than 1.0, you should be able to set it less than 1.0 using the console.
If playing CS 1.6, then also try setting sensitivity less than 1.0 using the console, I'm not sure if CS 1.6 allow that using the console or not.
With DPI = 5600, you will very likely get negative accel, even more so than you did with CPL and 3/11.
Try RInput, or go back to the normal MarkC fix and keep using 3/11: You won't have exact 1-to-1, but that is a minor problem compared to having negative accel.
Hi Mark,
Maybe you remember me. I wrote to you on the Razer Blueprints forum, but now it is down.
I'm a CS 1.6 player but I have stopped playing for a while and had to format my computer so I have configure everything again.
But first, I wanted to know if you could send me that 5% accel curve for WinXP I told you about on blueprints? Thanks for your answer.
To sum it up:
-If I don't want accel
I turn EPP OFF with the 6/11, use the -noforce commands and run the MouseFix builder and that's it?
-If I want accel
I don't use the -noforce commands, leave EPP OFF (?!) and use the .reg files you gave me? (I have from 17% to full accel @120hz)
Thanks for your time,
Hi Mark, I find that your script does absolute jack for Quake 2, I'm running Win 7 and have a standard Microsoft USB laser mouse, and no matter how many times I apply the .reg and restart, Quake 2 is still giving me acceleration, please help!
Hello Mark
I have a big problem.I was always a fan of low dpi mices around 400dpi (logitech bj58) with windows 2000 / windows 98 acceleration enable..I am an old school Quake guy..After windows XP they changed the accel curve and it sucked.The mices today behave bad at low dpi..Is any way to make the windows 7 Enchance pointer precision to work like the Windows 2000 acceleration curve ...I want to learn how to edit the accel curve on my own :)
thank you for your time
Yep I do remember you.
Those %'age accel files are here [link].
The curves I have/have built only go down to 17% normal accel.
> If I don't want accel...
For CS 1.6, just the -noforce commands will work, but other games might need reg files.
> If I want accel...
Best to set EPP ON to make sure the accel curves are actually used. With EPP ON, you can use -noforce, or you can leave them out: it doesn't matter.
My fix will remove 'positive' (normal) Windows control panel accel. But it will not remove 'negative' accel. Is it positive or negative accel you have? Perhaps try RInput.
Ye, it is possible to make Windows XP/Vista/7 EPP behave very like the old Windows 2000 accel.
It is possible to very closely match Windows 2000 "Slow" accel, and possible to somewhat match Windows 2000 "Medium" and "Fast" accel.
Take a look at some curves I built for XP/Vista that are sort of like the Windows 2000 "Slow" accel curve, but for XP/Vista unfortunately for you. If you have a 60Hz monitor, they should be fairly close even for 7 (but not exact 1-to-1 at low speed).
Since building those curves, I've figured out that the second line of each curve part (X & Y) can be removed, the other lines moved up and all zeros added at the end...
What Windows 2000 accel setting do you want to match?
Hey Mark, I want 1-1 movement, I installed the reg file how you explained... everything seems nice but for curiosity why the reg file says
I use 6/10
is it ok or i have to change the reg file to
Hey Mark, I want 1-1 movement, I installed the reg file how you explained... everything seems nice but for curiosity why the reg file says
I use 6/10
is it ok or i have to change the reg file to
Forgot to add... I still get a lot of green/red reads.
The MouseSensitivity number is closely related to the pointer speed slider, but is not the exact same number.
"MouseSensitivity"="10" is the same as slider position 6/11, so keep it at 10.
If MouseMovementRecorder show mostly black, with some (<20%) red and green pairs, then that is OK.
It is a problem with MMR and Windows, but not a problem with the fix.
Try MMR with the "Enhance pointer precision" checkbox OFF. With it OFF, the fix is not active at all (but will be activated if a game needs it) and any red and green show a MMR problem only (because the fix is not active!)
Hey, Mark first of all thank you for the great programm I think it's not said enough here :)
And then I got a question for you cause you obviously have much knowledge about those things. I read that if I use Windows
Slider 3/10 it should be 1:1 too but only takes 1/4 of my cpi. The Problem is that some say it isn't 1:1 precise movement, can you say something to this topic ?
And can I get the same precise movement with your fix in anygame with 3/10 like in Raw Mouse Input cause I can't really use RAW with the mouse i have.
thx in advance, you are doing a nice job here still supporting the ppl.
MfG Frankie
Hey mark! thanks for your fix, it will works in 64bits also?
> I read that if I use Windows
Slider 3/10 it should be 1:1 too but only takes 1/4 of my cpi. The Problem is that some say it isn't 1:1 precise movement, can you say something to this topic ?
They are right: 3/11 is not exact 1:1, and a (very) little less precise because of that.
1:1 means one unit of mouse movement causes 1 pixel of pointer movement, 2 causes 2, 3 causes 3, 10 causes 10 etc.
With 3/11, one unit of mouse movement sometimes causes 0 pixels of pointer movement, sometimes 1.
10 sometimes causes 2, sometimes 3.
Overall the effect is VERY SMALL (less than a pixel of pointer movement), so don't worry too much about it.
> And can I get the same precise movement with your fix in anygame with 3/10 like in Raw Mouse Input cause I can't really use RAW with the mouse i have.
You can build a fix that gives you exact 1:1 at 3/11, but it works by multiplying the sensitivity by 4 to bring you back to 6/11, and so you may as well be using RAW input.
I recommend try using Raw input, but adjusting your in-game mouse sensitivity down by ×0.25 to bring your overall sens back to normal.
> Hey mark! thanks for your fix, it will works in 64bits also?
Yes, it works on x64 also.
Hi Mark
I have xp and wants you to do me a cold start takego mosue as in 98.
for cs 1.6 for league play, etc. I had a whole 98. 400dpi mouse .6/11 time. 96th dpi monitor
you can do 85 hz 100 i120 for xp and elevators 7 /?
I ask that I do not get a sit przytym little longer and do not embrace.
I would very much thanked.
> I have xp ... you can do 85 hz 100 i120
My MarkC Windows 7 + Vista + XP Mouse Acceleration Fix Builder [link] can build fixes for XP and the builder program will ask what refresh rate Hz you want.
Or you can use the Cheese registry fixes (click the "" attachment, and choose the *.reg file that matches your in-game Hz rate, 85, 100, 120 etc).
(Extra details about the Cheese fixes here [link])
whether it disables 100% acceleration.
What is the significance
55 --- hz monitor ??
01.50.01 ????
are reg is everyone else:::
everyone else how to fix. already I do not know what to do.
I want just like in windows 98th on xp and windows7.
to conter strike 1.6 meaning low 400dpi mouse 6 / 11 meaning 2.3
85hz 96dpi monitor.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse]
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Mouse]
> "SmoothMouseXCurve"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\
> "SmoothMouseYCurve"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,\
> whether it disables 100% acceleration.
Yes, this disables all acceleration on XP & Vista @85Hz.
This is the Cheese fix for 85Hz.
Don't try and understand it, just use it. Test it instructions in the "How do you know the fix is working?" section of my article.
> What is the significance
> 55 --- hz monitor ??
> 01.50.01 ????
55 is the monitor Hz in hexadecimal, google can translate for you :
01,50,01 is a magic hexadecimal number, equal to 3.5 * 96 * 0x100 + 1 * 96 * 0x100 + 1 in hex
The + 1 is to get make sure that rounding doesn't affect the calculation badly.
When Windows receives mouse input, it calculates pointer movement with this formula (XP+Vista only):
Pointer = Mouse / 3.5 * MonitorRefreshRate / DPI * SmoothMouseY / SmoothMouseX
With the Cheese fix, SmoothMouseX is set to MonitorRefreshRate, and SmoothMouseY is set to 3.5 * DPI.
The calculation that Windows does is then:
Pointer = Mouse / 3.5 * MonitorRefreshRate / DPI * (3.5 * DPI) / MonitorRefreshRate
... and so Pointer = Mouse, i.e. exact 1-to-1.
> already I do not know what to do.
Use the 85Hz Cheese fix!
> "SmoothMouseXCurve"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,a0,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,40,\
> "SmoothMouseYCurve"=hex:00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,66,a6,02,00,00,00,00,00,cd,4c,\
This is the CPL mouse fix.
It also disables all acceleration on XP & Vista, BUT it is not exactly 1-to-1. It has a sensitivity effect. Do not use it.
The Windows calculation for CPL is (using the second pair of numbers from the curve, but they all give the same result): / 3.5 * 85 / 96 * 0x0a99a0 / 0x028000 = 1.07262893
> "SmoothMouseXCurve"=hex:\
> "SmoothMouseYCurve"=hex:\
This is a strange franken-curve. If this is a curve I built, please let me know where you got it from, because it is wrong. Do not use this curve.
The SmoothMouseXCurve values come from a MarkC Fix Builder "XP+Vista_MouseFix_@85Hz_DPI=96_Scale=1-to-1_@6-of-11.reg" file, but the SmoothMouseYCurve values from a the "Standard Windows curve scaled to give 1-to-1 at low speed (XP+Vista@120Hz-remove jitter) Full Accel.reg" file.
> "SmoothMouseXCurve"=hex:\
> "SmoothMouseYCurve"=hex:\
This is the "XP+Vista_MouseFix_@85Hz_DPI=96_Scale=1-to-1_@6-of-11.reg" curve from my Fix Builder.
This is a good curve to use. It works exactly the same as the Cheese 85Hz curve, even though the numbers are different.
(What is the slope of a line going through 1,1? Answer: 45 degrees.
What is the slope of a line going through 2,2, 4,4 and 6,6? Answer: 45 degrees.
Even though the points on the curve are different, the slope they define is the same.
That's why Cheese 85Hz is the same as MarkC Fix Builder for 85Hz.)
> XP_Vista_scaled_85Hz
> "SmoothMouseXCurve"=hex:\
> "SmoothMouseYCurve"=hex:\
This is the normal Windows accel curve, but the entire curve adjusted down by 60/85 so that the mouse will behave the same at 85Hz with that curve, as it would behave at a normal 60Hz with the normal Windows curve.
This curve has acceleration. Do not use it.
> I want just like in windows 98th on xp and windows7. to conter strike 1.6 meaning low 400dpi mouse 6 / 11 meaning 2.3
85hz 96dpi monitor.
How many DPI does your current mouse have? 400?
If your current mouse is not 400dpi you will have to adjust Control Panel pointer speed slider, OR in-game sensitivity, OR mouse driver sensitivity.
Hi, I have the same problem like this guy:
It's look like randomly activated positive acceleration.
More information from me:
Thanks in advance for help.
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